Short position near zip!I'm surprised that there are only 213,000 shares shorted as of June 15 2022 which is nothing and this means that CIBC buying over 9Mil shares today average price of 2.36 was for investment and not short covering!
This is going to be a score as Oil is at $105 and dropping! Yesterday Oil was at $112 and this morning it was at $102 the Bull-Run on Oil is over and I don't think that we'll see $120 oil again anytime soon.
Look at the chart and see that there’s huge upside to this! BUY and HOLD out for $4 SP which could be hit in June or early July. I'm holding out till I make 300% from today’s SP of $2.27 and the way Oil been selling off we should hit $3 real soon!
Do you believe that this was trading at an average of $17 in 2021 and $80 in 2020 and there’s only 30Mil shares from the beginning and will never be diluted like company shares.
In 2016 it hit $135 and then again in 2020 on a spike up! And here we sit at $2.27 so the upside could be enormous and just around the corner!
I'll be buying more!
GLTA JMHO (always DD)