RE:RE:Metso Equipment Has Started to Arrive at Almonty’s Sangdong Some smaller mills can be built on a frame and plopped on top of a support strure.
Now I know we have a Sag Mill as a primary breaker, and we have a second mill (rod or ball ? I say ball) so all things are going to be interesting very soon.
Sag mills are generally larger in diametre but short in lenth and they are rotating much faster than a ball mill. Mills rotation ranges from 4 to 20 rpm,depending on applications (Sag mills are faster).
I was going to coment on the 90% of empty space for the shipping container, then I read the sub titles under the pics (mill base plates). and thats when it clicked that it was a high priority to deliver these items to site regardless of wasted space in the container..
The big mill items will stay in Finland storage until needed.
Here is some info on stuff :-