Yeehaw1 wrote: Question For all pumpers.....
why DM management is not buying the open market?
one of the confirmed answer is... they are certain that it will tank more in the near future.
any other clues????
18 insider buys and one sell in the last six months. They have been buying in the open market. What does that tell you? Find me another stock with more insider buys.
If the price drops, DM cancels out more shares at a lower price. The company saves money while reducing the outstanding shares. That's a win for both investors and the company in the short term.
I highly doubt that the company is concerned about single day movements or even what the stock does over the week or one month. Unlike you, the company, myself and other investors are in it for the longer term. And DM is putting the pieces in place for success down the road. You're playing checkers while the company is playing chess. So you enjoy your penny flips.