Alaska Politicians going nuts on oil oil oil Thats all they talk about.Simple Sullivan and Dicator Dunleavy.Trumps head officw will soon be in Alaska.Look at all Alaska ecological nightmares.Fires to floods and they keep pushing oil oil oil.Well when there in not much left of the world i hope they can drink oil to sustain themselves ha ha.They have the quanon cowboys even brainwashed up there.They are allied with all the famous group wheir they part of the Jan 6 massacre would not surprise me.Their highly educated.Very creedy.All prophets of Bs.Little to no valyes just fake.Oh yes God will get rid of all the carbon we never destroyed his creation we are perfect stewards.En result you thing these people will allow graphite to go to a chinese company in washinton to destroy their money.Good luck.Oh yes even if it all manages to happen no Feasability Study most likely for another couple of years.Not pfs the other one that follows this when they say they will make a production decision.Time line to production maybe 2027-2028 the earliest.