The proverbial Moth...drawn to the flame. Or maybe this moth would find an old jacket like in Michael Shepherd's poem..All we have to go on in terms of seismic would be the same Kawa data I guess ..regurgitated and repackaged for Wei...The Potomona Indian lookout mountain the well is named after.. lol Wei Tepui...reminds me of Tonto and Lone Ranger if Kawa is considered a sucess then Wei has surrounded itself with oil...(Lone Ranger:it seems we have surrounded ourselves by hostile indians..Tonto:What do u mean by "wei" white man? So looking on the maps all I see is a sea of oil and Wei on that shelf edge toe slump a few hundreds of meters north of Kawa .. knocking on heavens door...Oil is there but as I had said about Kawa the issue would be the Pressure ..that slump creates a whole different set of dynamics but I guess the masochist in me would want to buy back in to see if there is a Wei in Hell ..