Dead investmentWhat a sad end to this company when I had such high hopes ....... I had hoped for timely updates but BTE is on radio silent ...... It seems that slow and mythodical is a pipe dream NIGHTMARE . I think BTE has been put out to pasture and when everyone has been broken the banks will "re-discover" this lost sheep .
Either ride the unlucky express or beat the banks at their own game . Oil under price pressure in this market is crazy unless you have an assurance that your competitor won't undermine your position . People , the fix is in and the banks want your nest egg , don't think they will stop before you are crushed . BSW with his $0.65 cent cost base will survive but will you ?
The banks and the fed want to crush the little investor in hopes it will force them to return to the workforce but smart money is dry powder and August always provides ample opportunity to grab shyte on the cheap . Ed let us all down but he only cares about a Muskoka chair now and a lake side dock . If you missed June 5 , 6 & 7 to sell , the palace of pain awaits . The fact that oil is in such short supply means nothing when the government says "OIL PRICES WILL COME DOWN" . I have been involved in the market for 35 years and I have never witnessed anything like this disconnect . It scared me to the sidelines while still holding a small piece of the anchor . Who knows , when everyone is freezing in a lineup for gasoline maybe then they will reassess their priorities . I'm in the stands on the 50yd line , drop by for a beer and we can compare notes on when sanity will return .
It is such a shame , BTE is so popular with retail players that the banks specifically target Baytex as an easy short , for all you know Nuttall is playing the same game . People have fallen in love with this mediocre player , I bet I can buy back in lower than today up until November . There is no tight supply , oil flows freely , phantom drilling is yielding huge phantom results , the market is awash in paper barrels which will be turned into paper gas and diesel which will all keep the left in power . SMALL VIEW BUT WELL FINANCED MYOPIC OPINION HAS DISPLACED COMMON SENSE , WHICH LOOSES , AGAIN !!!!!!!