RE:RE:RE:The real quick story of Thera I think this is far from the real story therefore not a true story
Factual errors
1- when Thtx bought back the rights from Seron
Egrifta sales dropped almost 50 % in the months following
2- The poster also omits that the former Ceo decided to prepay the balance due to Serono using about 50% of the funds ftom the Convert and overpaid by millions of Dollrs because he prepaid the amount that would have been payable if Egrifta sales had been ´increasing instead of plateuin
The poster also omitts to say thst the former Ceo opted to issue a Convert rather than issue dtock at 11 US$ per share
2- While it is true that the SP went up to 14$ Cad the poster omits to write that the former CEO had said that Trogarzo sales woould be around 500 millions $ Cad so about 95% off the actual
3- The poster omits to say that the former CEO "retired prematurely" probably because he was doing a great job
4-.The poster is right that the acquisition of Katana for peanuts was done by the former CEO just a dhort time before his early retirement .... at the time I described the acquisition as a Lottery ticket... although I hope to be proven wrong
5-The poster takes a jab at Paul by mentionning that Huss came from s large co
6-The poster also refrains to mention that a new CEO was appointed just over 2 years ago
I could go on and on but historians should stick to facts and not express their frustrationdmd
BTW what exactly is the relationship betweenn the poster and the former CEO?He never disclosed that relationship .....
realitycheck4u wrote: <p> True summary of the past - but you would need a 2:15min movie to tell the story about how everyone here had 100<br /> different angles on how they could do something better, complaints, theories and more - because that's about the story we live every day here. </p> <p> <br /> I guess we are all dreamers - and pray a lot. Because no sane person would be here with the previous story. <br /> <br />
Biobob wrote: Wow... that was good... I lived trought it all.. many faithfulls died since then... surviving...
<br /> </p>