I never ignore anyoneFirst off you make mistakes and insult the wrong person when you cant follow the thread. I would hate to insult the wrong person. Secondly when you ignore someone then they can call you a crossdressing pink pantied Jim Dandy snowplow operator from Chicago who runs over one too many baby strollers and theres not a thing you can do, other than bite down hard on a leather strap and curse. Unless of course you respond with the typical preambles of having mistakingly logged out of sh, or "I cleaned out my cookies", or " I only read that because Braindead responded to him", or some such excuse instead of admitting you peek a booed.
Lessons learned. You fellers need to shape up if you want to battle ole Bucc eh.
Ok, so I slept until 8:30, then caressed my first mates thighs and offered to get omelettes and coffee with hash browns so she wouldnt have to serve me breakfast. You fellers remember to treatt the wives well eh. Now I will take the cover off the pool, vaccum it out, then open the boat for an afternoon of fishing with FRIENDS (that was for Tool), out front of mommys basement.
You fellers have a good day. Anyone requiring legal advice, say where to draw the line between slander and puffery, just lemme know as this feller is a Nascar judge.