“What’s the hurry?” … LOL I'll take the bait, Math...I've been "hurriedly" invested in this story now for 4.5 years! A bit fatigued yet all the more experienced with the tactics this management team of suits adopts. Fortunately, I'm playing with house money now.
The question you pose comfortably rests with well compensated suits drawing a steady salary with the luxury of time paid for by anxious investors. Of course there's no hurry...FOR THEM. Plenty of time to dream big.
I'm with @17Digger...we need revenue...and tout suite!
@Silverad0 and @Starkicker remind us also about all those expensive suits endeavoring on shareholders' behalf. They raise interesting points.... here's a thought...maybe time to clean out the closet and/or change into athletic wear able to cover some distance in competitive time, or work clothes capable of completing a project? If the "suit" doesn't serve the profession, clean the closet or have it tailored!