RE:Who wants to short BBD ?You haven't a clue of how it works.
They are able to counterfeit shares at will and cover within 10 days before anyone notices a failed trade and they can kreep that window open as they please since there is no oversight to speak of.
And your average ?
so what's your point that you've missed taking profits of over 2.00 per share and you claim to be smart ??
You choose to swim unprotected (unleveraged) in shark infested waters and still claim to be smart and want everyone else to do as you .
I am a proponent of BBD but also know what I am dealing with wjile you just blow smoke !!
Wasn't it you that claimed 62.68 was the absolute wash out point just a day ago or so.
Form001 wrote: With low volume like this, they will get burn.