After stripping out the worthless contentWhen a company uses one sectional to extrapolate such a determination, I write off as garbage.(They used the data available and not 1 sectional) A big deal was made about twinning of holes(Keats) in the report. If you knew a bit more about mining(I am a mining contractor), you would know that this procedure, is fairly common. Not only does it verify the stellar grades and intercepts, but it also more importantly enables company to determine the down dip of structure at that point.........very important when planning subsequent holes.(5 m stepouts with a recent and not historical hole is done only for promo purposes)
Now Bucco, you make continuous references about the veiny nature of the project, and this might be true when considering the high grade nature of the feeder system. Of course they will be mined eventually(not if you dont have enough ozs for the capex or to show a profit. You dont even know the average mineable grade.), but you (and Crux) are ignoring the huge high grade structures that eminate from this(show us the ounces). Much of these structures are multi layered, wide intervals, separated by thin stratas..........more importantly very shallow, minimal over pit(show us the ozs).