$$$ ;You know I'm a little disappointed . I come here to Express my feelings, good or bad about the so-called markets or a particular stock . To maybe help someone with less knowledge. I've been involved with the markets for 20+ years. I've made a lot money. Even being paid good money on different occasions. You people turn all negative on a person who shares their negative opinion about a particular stock. If I happen to buy a stock and am up 30% and decide to sell for a good reason. Why would I not share my opinion with people less knowledgeable. I thought this board was created for exactly that reason . Not only that but if someone does air their opinion , if you really think its going to have an effect on the particular stock, you don't know much about the markets. A few people talking negatively about one single stock is not going to have any effect what so ever. Sooo get over it and qwit whining !!!