RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Trustworthy Much? One last thing does it matter if it's Care bringing in the money, Aristotle bringing in the money, combination bringing in the money, or does it really only matter that the company brings in the money makes some cash for them, continue to grow and in turn share price appreciates? I believe I just want to see things moving in an upward projection, for the past couple quarters we have seen movement to the upside in sales, if that continues I will be happy with my money parked here. It will grow if things keep moving in the right direction.
brad129 wrote:
they've tried projections, they've tried "fluff" news they have tried all other ways, maybe they have com to the conclusion the best option is "show me the money" option. Could be right could be wrong,. My purchase the other day says I'm betting on it.
Liked2Think wrote: The cycle continues with them.
No concrete info of any kind.
As time gets closer to results wishfull thinking will take over until the day comes investors are dissapointed as per usual.
brad129 wrote: Another 2-2.5 weeks we will get some more answers, last quarter they fell just shy of break even, should be hitting that now. No news could be good news, who knows?