RE:RE:Arh0070 get bent We'll see. Banxa hardly fits that bill of a trader vulture's dream. This is a good business model that can fill a market niche in a true capitalist sense, by taking a cut without having to provide costly resources. It has a tight share structure with insiders heavily invested.
As has been stated before, if Banxa can ride out the harsh bear market without going under they should do extremely well if and when things turn around for crypto. I have/had every confidence in them. This most recent bulls&t is undoubtedly disconcerting. The Regulator does not give passes on basic requirements like filing financials.
Things can go one of two ways from here. Either they get their sh#t together, file in less than two months and demonstrate that they are the company they pretend to be or they submit excuse filled monthly updates to the Regulator for months on end.
it would be a real shame if they don't succeed, their business model appears (as they present it) to be a good one and their expansion plans are impressive. Now they just have to remember that great ideas need to be supported by competent worker bees. Not everyone can be on tour and the guy in the hoodie skateboarding around the office has to actually contribute functionality.
thank god for oil stocks.