GGGDunno Post by GGG on 12 minutes ago
The GGG doesn't visit that board too often recently. So after a quick visit to that board today, he found this beauty. This puts his ignorance and nonsense on full display. Apparently Bucco doesn't know the difference between a Junior Miner like NFG and Semior producing miners like Barrick and Agnico. The reality is, that Both Barrick and Agnico among others, probably have NFG at the top of their research list of companies they might acquire in the near future.
I know the difference a lot better than you GGGDunno. Explo companies are the ones whose financials I check before doing work for and in the absence of liquidity we demand payment up front or declinethe work.
The majors we dont worry about and have literally provided millions in credit for 45 to a max of 60 days receivables. They usually pay 30 to 60.
How about you GGGDunno, whats your accounts receivbale policy for explocos?