Mr. Patrick2Linton ...BAY"S share price,.In my opinion, has been manipulated for 3 years..
..PS, not sure how long you"ve been hanging around here, i have posted here snapshots of 1.6 billion shares that traded here in the last 3 years..
..Most of the trading took place on the Side Street exchanges as you know IROC does not have time to follow the these side streetTowers downtown.
...BAY,,like most of the micro -cap juniors fell apart during Co-vid and most went Banckrupt or consolidated..I follow 35 mining stocks which all face challenges..
..BAY,.,.is well knowen Down Town T.O. ...Thomas always gives 100 % at PDAC ..I have witness many times the tags displaying the reps name or business at BAY s booth at the exchange floor.
..Mr.Patric,....not sure what side street Tower basement they got you in, should know, the gang up-stairs had their chance to join BAY but because of greed and BAY not wanting to give away the Chalcocite our CEO took this Elephant to the Aussies who know what Chalcocite ore value is..
...PS,..i suspect your job is secure until the warrants expire next June..The start of DSO experiment at this time should see BAY"s share price start to move then as we see clear sailing for longs...
...PS, 43-101 chess board totals 450,000 tons of Chalcocite ready to ship...x 7,500 dollars per ton..