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ADF Group Inc T.DRX

Alternate Symbol(s):  ADFJF

ADF Group Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company is engaged in the design and engineering of connections, fabrication, including the application of industrial coatings, and installation of complex steel structures, heavy steel-built ups, as well as in miscellaneous and architectural metals for the non-residential infrastructure sector. Its products and services are intended for the five principal segments of the non-residential construction industry: office towers and high-rises, commercial and recreational buildings, airport facilities, industrial complexes, and transport infrastructure. The Company operates two fabrication plants and two paint shops, in Canada and in the United States, and a Construction Division in the United States, which specializes in the installation of steel structures and other related products. It has the capacity to manufacture approximately 125,000 tons of structural steel annually.

TSX:DRX - Post by User

Post by dawkzbion Dec 01, 2022 3:30pm
Post# 35144167

twitter 03 e5rhyea5 ya354yha3u4

twitter 03 e5rhyea5 ya354yha3u4
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