better news release isCanopy picking up more TER which has been in their crosshairs for a long time. Not fearful of piling in when the shareprice is down,
That is how they put themselves in the driver's seat of all of their US companies under their umbrella.
It is pretty clear to me that half the investors involved in Canopy don't have a clue of how active they are in the US with their fingers in to all kinds of companies that will complement their leadership as a MSO, starting with Acreage Holdings who they have locked up for a song compared to it's once lofty value of $4.3 billion valuation.
Canopy picked Acreage as a suitable deal for rapid flag planting on US soil and have fingers in to TER, Stors and Bickel, GAGE, WANA, BIOSTEEL, Martha Stewart, JETTY branding deals to get products on US shelves while this whole protectionist bs sorts itself out.
I think big brother Constellation Brands who are ram-rodding this whole umbrella company deal are willing to do battle with them that are delaying advancement of the US marketplace and when successful, will launch the biggest greenrush the world will ever see.
Ringing the bell on the Nasdaq is a free ad spot for Canopy and might draw some interest but nothing like what is going to happen when Canopy jumps in to the US market through Acreage Holdings which has had a string of good quarters and near black ink.
It is clear that any new investment for Canopy is going to be directed to the US interests where MSOs are actually making money by puzzyfootin' through the rulebook.
I want to think that we will get 100 baggers like happened in Canada but 10 to 20 seems very achievable for what we are about to become when this all comes together.
glta and dyodd