RE:Keep things in perspective people Below are some of the things Snowline are doing showing that they have great respect for the land and wildlife of the Yukon. They are going above and beyond what most juniors would do at this early stage of exploration. The paragraphs below were taken from Snowline's last news release. I think it's obvious that this company is environmentally responsible and are taking the right steps very early in the exploration program to understand what if any impact their operation is having on the region. Hats off to Snowline management for getting ahead of the curve on this aspect of their business. You can tell that great thought and due diligence has gone into every detail of Snowline's operation.
- Community: The company established a green energy partnership with Nacho Nyak Dun Development Corp., providing Snowline's main camp with a 27-kilowatt solar power facility, reducing emissions, reducing costs and building ties with first nations and Yukon businesses.
- Commencement of environmental survey work at Valley, including monthly water quality monitoring, hydrology, predisturbance botanical inventories and wildlife surveying, providing a baseline of knowledge for future advanced-stage permitting;