Brilliant economy lessonCathie Wood has her fans and detractors, but there is no denying her skills in economic analysis
There are some important messages in her latest recap of the economy such as the money supply is now negative for the first time in her 45 year career. In addition, "orders" were down 10% which is a steeper drop than when covid hit....yikes! Cathie also talks about how earnings are now falling at 2.5% to 3.0% (due in part to shorter work weeks). Cathie also talks about how she believes how the economy has been in a recession since Q1. There is just too much info for me to keep writing.
The following video is 53 minutes long which is a grunt for me. However, by the 18 minute mark (which is where I'm at now as I'm taking a break), the amount of gold is well worth the time.
Be prepared for a dose of "I told you so" from Experienced after he has worked his way through the video.
My take on the content of the video is that a recovery is probably coming sooner than later once we take a little trip off a cliff first.