Why invest in Nubeva?Disruptive cybersecurity/ransomware insurance tech (PROVEN), patents, $50 billion dollar growing ransomware industry, tech has universal/global potential, goal of company is to disrupt ransomware industry, no known competitors, pricing power, ALREADY cash flow positive after 1 year, high margins (80%), no further dilution/raise needed (per CEO), ver low debt, very low costs/overhead, SaaS model/recurring revenue, Nubeva announced 2 large 7-figure deals in the past 6 weeks (multi year) and CEO says more coming...
Moat Factors: 1. Switching Costs - no competitors so not even an issue at present 2. Intangible Assets - (a) brand recognition is building quickly (b) patents (c) regulatory (dialogue with regulators, insurance and government ongoing; plausible NBVA is near compulsory and ubiquitous one day 3. Network Effect - less relevant but who wants to be the only enterprise still dealing with ransomware recovery when a solution is available 4. Cost Advantage - the tech is commercial and paid for needing only minimal resources to further innovate (cash machine) 5. Efficient Scale/natural Monopoly - once they have this niche cybersecurity ransomware space captured = sustainability as limited incentive for possible competitors
Think S-shaped growth curve and Nubeva is just at the start. Do not make the error of anchoring on the Decemeber Fins. The tech has only been out 9 months before these recent large wins, the sales cycle has just begun. Rapid exponential growth possible and just getting started.
Wait for the next large contract announcements, wait for the March Fins but you will pay more for shares.