RE:PNE PLAYLAND XR TECH Judoka4eva, First of all, thank you for sharing this with us. You are right, it does not look promising and it just a refection of what is happing with the company and the share price. I am not a sharehodler in this company, looked at it, but decided to stay away. ( Thanks god )
The experience you are describing is exactly the state of the industry is in. You said it was like a ghost town, VR is failing regardless how much they are trying to hype this.
In my opinion, anything related to VR will be very difficult to make money on. Further anyone who jumped on the MetaVerse Hype Wagon is getting slaughtered, look at all the public listed companies associated to MetaVerse and VR, their share prices are in the toilet.
Even Meta's own employees dont use their own Metaverse, I think this says it all. Metaverse and VR are dead long before they will ever get it going ( if ever )
Here are few articles on the topic.