1CM EPIC (PURE) MILFF (PINK) 1Q70 (FWB2) aka Leviathan It is strongly recommended for investors to stay away from 1CM, formerly known as Leviathan Cannabis and Leviathan Natural Products, as there are many red flags and serious concerns about the company's behavior. The company has a history of providing false information to the public through false press releases, lack of transparency in operations and finances, and multiple name changes. There have been legal issues with the company, including being sued by the town of Pelham, Ontario, and some of its officers having had legal troubles. The market cap of the company is near 200 million, but it only has an average daily volume of only 10 thousand dollars and there are no stocks available for short selling, which is a warning sign. The new officers, Lucas Leone and Mr. Chovatiya, can be reached by phone, but the company has never filed taxes and was denied marijuana grow permits by the town of Pelham, Ontario. The company also attempted to sue the town, and the town counterclaimed, but they have not been able to locate the company's offices to serve the process documents. Attached are documents of all the press releases that are fake which are publicly available on SEDAR, as well as links to the town of Pelham reports, providing further evidence of the company's questionable behavior.