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Theralase Technologies Inc. V.TLT

Alternate Symbol(s):  TLTFF

Theralase Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based clinical-stage pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the research and development of light activated compounds and their associated drug formulations. The Company operates through two divisions: Anti-Cancer Therapy (ACT) and Cool Laser Therapy (CLT). The Anti-Cancer Therapy division develops patented, and patent pending drugs, called Photo Dynamic Compounds (PDCs) and activates them with patent pending laser technology to destroy specifically targeted cancers, bacteria and viruses. The CLT division is responsible for the Company’s medical laser business. The Cool Laser Therapy division designs, develops, manufactures and markets super-pulsed laser technology indicated for the healing of chronic knee pain. The technology has been used off-label for healing numerous nerve, muscle and joint conditions. The Company develops products both internally and using the assistance of specialist external resources.

TSXV:TLT - Post by User

Comment by InvestorRightson Feb 10, 2023 3:17pm
Post# 35280429

RE:RE:RE:RE:Beware of CAinPlap Stockhouse basher!

RE:RE:RE:RE:Beware of CAinPlap Stockhouse basher!Do your own DD! Why are you so lazy to do it yourself? Who are you to ask anyone? Go ask the company if your really interested, you would be more likely to get the facts. You keep referring to the past, but this is a new company, no one knows much other than what has been disclosed by way of news releases and sedar. Go check for yourself. If you provided factual current information about the new company, well that would be one thing, but you keep harping on past employees and on past company interests that are no longer relevant. This was a reverse takeover, totally new company.

Time to grow up and move on, you keep push people to respond, and bring a dark cloud over TLT with your childish games.

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