Fobi Passcreator has the Oscars this yearI am surprised at the mute reaction that this news creates on this board or maybe people did not pay attention to the video below.
There was a conference today at Munich airport that was streamed live and thevideo is in Youtube. There are severa interesting presentations about emerging technologies and their applications.
Two of the presentations relate to Passcreator by Fobi.
The first one is done by the manager ofretail operations at the Munich airport. They are a customer of Passcreator and have been using it since 2021. He provides a detailed explanation of how Passcreator is used at the airport and all the adantages it provides.
The second one is done by David Sporer, the creator of Passcreator. Againg very informative... at some point in his presentation when talking about use cases he mentions the Oscars that Passcreator will be used for a second time this year
These are the links in case you are interested:
Agendafor the event