RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Raphaelle2 is downplaying everythingNo offense SF...the Qc plasma community is really tiny, between McGill and the University of Sherbrooke (after Hydro Quebec abandoned this area at the end of the last century)
and know each other well.
I know Pierre Carabin and I have even collaborated with other experts, some of them now retired from PYR, involved in the atomization and incineration of plasma for example.
Yes, their portable incinerator using their mini plasma torches (a few hundred kw) works rather well... but... only the American government can afford such a luxury on a few nuclear warships.
Do you consider this remarkable technical feat as a commercial success capable of supporting the deployment of the dynasty, and restaure their financial situation?
Enough said for now. Eventually, books will have to be written about all of this ( on Innovation Management).
May be from McGill Business School, why not ?...
But, let the facts ($$$) speak for themselves. Let's see the reactions of Alan Curleigh, the new Board president and PP ( our northen E Musk) tomorow.