RE:WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON HERE.What is going on here? A complete and utter failure of management to EXECUTE.
As LL noted in a post 3 July 2019 (4 years ago):
health insurance deals, nope
firefighter deals, nope
international licensing, nope
and more partnerships, nope
list to the Nasdaq, nope (this one provides the most comedy)
and eventual roll out of Aristotle. so far the rollout? has been in progress for over 2 years with nothing to show except a tanked stock price.
There is really nothing left to say - sad, sad, sad. Fake & repetitive NRs with no questions, a cfo who pumps the company to beat the band and quits after 6 months, warrants with a strike price of $0.72 coming due in days and a share price of $0.06. I could go on but sigh!
But don't forget to do your DD - sarc off.