One of the best interviews.....Covering not only the Russian-Ukranian conflict, BUT also a slew of other "hot" topics being discussed which are important, relevant and i believe VERY dear to many here. I was hesistant to place an OT disclaimer in the subject line, because this is NOT really about Suncor per say BUT after thinking about it for awhile, i beleive it is indirectly related in many ways, and STILL relevant all the same. So no matter if you're Canadian or American, i truly think you'll find this interview very intrigiung .....and maybe VERY enlightening to many here.
I must admit.....though not an emotional person by any means.......the section of the interview where they speak about "The Past" which begins at around the 18 minute mark, really hit home, in a massive rush of nostalgic emotions. and i'm fairly certain i'm NOT the only person in which it will have this effect. For those who don't know who Col Macgregor is, he's a retired US army guy who's insights & views i find are absolutely "THE BEST" around when it comes to this unfortunate Russian-Ukranian conflict. Mr. Macgregor is a little older than me, but still in the same era more or less, so i can really related to what he's thinking & saying, especially at 18 minutes, as i'm sure many others here will as well.
So what better place to post this than the extremely apt & popular Suncor forum? If you guys have some time, it is worthwhil listening to the entire interview, which imho is some precious time well spent, especially with such an "easy on the eyes" lovely narrator as the lovely Natalie "Bubula" Brunell........8)........