Outperforming the market Tourmaline Oil Corp closed at $62.42, up by +3.95% during the week ending June 30th. The stock outperformed the broader market, with the TSX Index up (+3.80%), the TX60 Index up (+3.80%), and the TSX Venture up (+3.77%). Tourmaline Oil Corp's peers Cwc Energy Services Corp (+11.11%), Divergent Energy Services Corp (-13.33%), and NXT Energy Solutions Inc (-14.06%) were all mixed on the week.
Tourmaline Oil Corp traded a 1-week average daily volume of 1.22M shares, or 71.59% of its 25-day average volume. The stock's intraweek range was between $60.10 and $63.16, its 52-week range is between $51.01 and $78.67, and its market cap currently stands at $20.99 Billion.