Flipping/tradingThere is nothing wrong with flipping a stock BUT unless you buy a large amount of shares (i.e. 10 000 shares at $4 = $40 000) I don't really see the point. If it goes up $0.10 you make $1000 but after tax your profit drops. On mulltiple flips (5x+) then you can make $5000+ minus your capital gains. Not sure I would a) risk $40 000 on a stock like Bragg b) I would need to time it perfectly for 5x consecutively for me to make a 15% return. Instead I prefer to drop $5000 on 8 stocks (for $40 000) I see potential in and hold for a year or more. So far I am up about 22% and counting. My target is $13 for a 200% return. Then I sell half and let the other half ride unless I see a change in fundamentals. A lot less stress:)
Btw: digihost, copperleaf, coveo, hut 8, wesdome, nili, and stc are my other 7. I am down on stc (now a long term holder aka bagholding) while the others range between a profit of 500% (digi) to 10% (wesdome gold).
You do what works for you mate,