Judgement Day....is quickly approaching.(probably not quick enough for longtime shareholders). What we do know is that module 1 once retooled with the new heater, (ongoing presently) wil be,increasing input to get to name-plate 2.5 tons per day. Without any major hiccups, validation time is fast approaching. I would think that any NDA's that were signed, were solely based on commercial validation of module one. Larger multinational companies will have enough evidence to feel comfortable to partner, sign royalty contracts, or even just buyout or take a majority interest in RGX, especially as management does not hold a large amount of shares. Regardless of the outcome of the NDA's, in a month or so, funding for the build-out of the remaining 3 modules, and other locations, will not be a problem. Going to be interesting how the stock trades in the next month or two. If management keeps the markets updated as to progress, this stock could be the darling of the C.S.E., and in turn reap rewards to shareholders.