tamaracktop wrote: ""Hmm funny how you now mention backlog as a positive for investing in XBC but not for pyro......""
WTF is your problem ??
Xebec's backlog grew from not much at all to $276 million in 3 years
Pyrogenesis's backlog has dropped in the last 1 1/2 years.
Grow up.
Better yet, grow a brain.
yeah bud i'lll 'grow a brain'.....Pretty sure ,mine is as at least as big as yours bud. If you only knew what I did for a living I guarantee it is almost certainly more important than whatever the hell you do which seems to be giving out very bad investment advice, while im sure still taking comissions on losses that you sell for your clients/victims. just like ALL the other so-called 'experts' ..
You're a joke just like 95% of FA's!!!!!!!!!! F'n used car salesmen from ny experience. Had four different 'experts' at different frims and all they did was oose me money all the while charging me commisions in and 0ut; Discgusting really and I assume you re just another one of those. Of cpurse. they All claim to be the exception just like you
IF you don't own any shares AND you are NOT shorting this stock, WHY waste all your time here posting constantly?????
My group and I have believed in the multiple disruptive trech and have trusted Peter to always pull a rabbit out of a hat for 30 years. If the lights are out in 6 months than congrats you were right and perhaps thatwill give you some closure on all the losers you put into xbc.
I guess IF your prediction is right you will never have to worry about my posts anymore but IF you are wong could yuo just be a man for once, admit it, and beat it!?!?!?!?!?!?