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HPQ Silicon Inc V.HPQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  HPQFF

HPQ Silicon Inc. (HPQ) is a Canada-based technology company specializing in green engineering of silica and silicon-based materials. The Company is engaged in developing, with the support of technology partners PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PyroGenesis) and Novacium SAS, new green processes to make the critical materials needed to reach net zero emissions. Its activities are centered around the three pillars: becoming a green low-cost (Capex and Opex) manufacturer of Fumed Silica using the Fumed Silica Reactor, a proprietary technology owned by HPQ being developed for HPQ by PyroGenesis; becoming a producer of silicon-based anode materials for battery applications with the assistance of Novacium SAS, and Novacium SAS is engaged in developing a low carbon, chemical base on demand and high-pressure autonomous hydrogen production system. The Company operates in a single operating segment, segment, being the sector of the transformation of quartz into silicon materials and derivative products.

TSXV:HPQ - Post by User

Comment by Pandoraon Aug 25, 2023 7:33pm
Post# 35606264

RE:RE:RE:RE:Big fish vs day trader

RE:RE:RE:RE:Big fish vs day trader
Koooo wrote: I'll never understand humans. They won't buy at 037 but they'll buy at 087.  I mean my God just look at yesterday's news. You can get 20,000 shares for a cost average of 7400.00 today with a high probability of a 10 bagger in the next year. I could say that anybody selling shares today is slow. I could say the same thing about people who are wanting to buy and are not buying today.
No that baffles me. Yes I am a shareholder. Koooo

Believe it or not there are people out there that do not have the obvious cash flow that you have, but I guess you are not addressing them. I bought twice a couple or so years back both in the 60+ cent area and then watched it, regardless of hype, go down to the 20 cent level. It still has a ways to go to get back to my buy in level -- it might be nice to load up at depressed prices as you say - all a person needs is cash flow. Maybe if I had sold on my second move instead of buying more I could now buy twice as much, but the hype at the time said buy! Too each his own! Good luck with your truck load.
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