PERHAPS ONE FEELS IMMUNE TO PROSECUTIONDoes anyone know how many shares Troy picked up for ONE cent?
Who were the other buyers who bought the bulk of the 70 million ONE cent shares not employed as management or on the current (or past) BOD?
The management and the BOD destroyed FT in 2014 when they recklessly without any guard rails bought the worthless 140 yr old Revenue silver mine. The level of incompetence remains utterly breathtaking.
The preposterous pledge of Arctos & NICO as collateral for an additional 30 million loan from LRC ( just 6 months before the loan's expiry date) ultimately produced the debenture that morphed 8 yrs later into a cornucopia of shares for beneficiares who should have been summarily dismissed in 2015.
Any outside shareholder who now buys FT shares at the current tragically depressed price will unwittingly mitigate the future success of any class action legal endeavor.