21 Mt of iron ( they indeed account for their iron )
NCP ( Nickel Creek Platinum )
M+I 436,695,000 tonnes
x 10% magnetite
= 43.6 Mt iron ( potential )
Why potential ?
2018 tech report ( XPS MET tests ) Glencore's
documrnted solid 10% grade magnetite
( not including illmenite - iron / titanium )
Thing is....
Wellgreen's deposit has Serp/Mg silicates and Mafics.
NCP sent 1100 kg's to XPS for MET tests.
They sent ( composites from a variety of drill cores ).
Results from MET tests saw 10% magnetite concentrated to,
39% - 43%
I can't see magnetite coming from, serp/Mg silicate.
More like - magnetite = mafics.
Hence - would the entire 436,695,000 raw tonnage host
10% magnetite...? No.
But.... there are many other ( minerals ) with iron bonds.
Which could make up for magnetite if factoring, common iron.
Even the illmenite.
Is it smart to separate the iron as a credit ?
$125/tonne - iron ore 61% grade
$45/tonne - 9% Nickel con with 47% iton
Hudson was able to extract several minerals ( great recoveries ) from Wellgreen.
Prophecy's MET tests showed far higher extraction recoveries than ncp.
Why were NCP's - XPS MET tests extraction recovery percentages lower ?
I'd say.... serp's + Mg were sent with mixed mafic magnetite ores.
Versus... Former owners had not yet touched the serp's in central zone ?
Former ( owners ) dealt with simple mafic ore geology ?
The 1100 kg's sent to XPS in 2018 perhaps had too many mineral suites.
Making it difficult to obtain higher extraction percentages.
I've also noticed when comparing other junior explorers historical
grades vs new assay grades - different assay methods were practiced...
Some newer lab assays methods reveal lower grades.
Some reveal higher grades.
If it were me ?
I'd emulate the assay techniques of, Hudson and Prophecy.
I'd also have the assays performed by several labs.
Especially seeing current grades suddenly decrease vs historical grades.
Lots of posts.
Lots of technicals.
Lots to chew on.
But... each topic is important.
I like to scan historicals looking for sudden changes or turing points.
Wellgreen deposit has several...
Sometimes it's good to revist these mile markers,
could give hint and clue to easy tweaks and correctives.
Hey.... at least i've partially familiarized myself with Wellgreen deposit.
I've got a few posts to refer
I can now close out numerous search windows.
Keep in mind, my posts are not investment advice.
I could have a few topic wrong, but on the flip, i might have
nailed a few topics inwhich the junior could use as a, vantage.