XPS % RECOVERIES vs PFS 2018 Phase 2 XPS Results
Imagine ( bulk composite ores ) variety from all stratigraphy.
Imagine performing an initial extraction recocery to create = bulk concentrate.
Achieved 53.3% nickel recovery
You now have a bulk concentrate to further test
This bulk con goes into a lock circuit ( no mineral loss )
End goal - create a higher % mineral con payable
I will only use Nickel as an example
Current nickel resource ( M + I )
= 2,400,000,000 billion lbs
x 53.3% recovery
= 1,279,200,000 billion pounds
How much nickel pound payable in PFS ?
614.3M lbs nickel; = 26% recovery
If one reverts back to xps met tests
bulk ores went into locked circuit
no loss in lock ( circuit )
should still maintain 53.3% right ?
Nearly 50% less than what was reported in, XPS MET studies
What about all the other metals ?
if hydrogen model was used or river elec turbine
there is no co2 creation
no carbon penalties
egs score rises
others can buy your superb zero carbon
= ncp could profit per each co2 tonne not created = off setting their carbon emissions.
Canada tax incentive upto 40% for hydrogen - clean energy.
Only platinum + Paladium
No Rhodium nor 5 other platinum groups ( PG's )
No iron credit ( 10% magnetite )
cnc allotted for an iron credit why not ncp ?
No titanium / iron
Illmenite is considered a major ore geology for Shaw.
If ncp was modelled with
green river turbine elec or hydrogen fron river...
energy costs reduce
Current NVP
$143 million with $2.3 billion ( lol )
~ 466 million shares
= $0.30 cent stock
Imagine a retake on pfs with new plugged in stats ?