The price of wti now shows why Loucas's Plan will fail This 3 year plan to increase production will end up to be another one in a long and growing list of Loucas's unfulfilled or failed plans. It is based on the idea tha the commodity price will cooperate. It is highly doubtful that the price of oil will support the plan which at it's best will extend Loucas's projected timeframe out years even if the company was ever to attain the production goals he hopes for. This is a plan from a CEO that is learning on the job at the Obe investors expense. Of course Loukas will come out and blame the commodity price. But that is not the reason for failure. Plans based on hoping for a cooperative wti price is just that hope. Sorry but hope is not a plan and Loukas is not a good CEO. The outcome of this plan will be that years will go by with little to no shareholder value being created. It will just be more of Loukas's inability to create shareholder value these past 4 years. What was Einstein's definition of insanity? Just keep doing more of the same thing and expecting a different result. Obe investors need a new CEO.