GREY:NEVDQ - Post by User
Comment by
patchhon Nov 21, 2023 10:56pm
Post# 35747730
RE:Our new "friend's" economic meltdown
RE:Our new "friend's" economic meltdown
wtf mammas mamma -- wtf.. hun - say again - i cant hear... di did U hav somtin to say >>>
what in the news.... is it creamy - juichy as a plate of roasted snail darters at the local drive thru..
say again [post more detail... what R u saying ... U need to goo to the bathroom//
get a slip
bak in 3 moin
--- >> going to the water fountain.. K fdon't fall in bak in 3
get the drill - piggin out pill - GET LOST MAMAS MAMMA take that kreep kito NSAW