Something Stinks at APDNSomething Stinks at APDN. Failed CEO Hayward likes to put rush jobs on his press releases well before the results have been tested. One of the biggest debacles at APDN was the press release that APDN would be entering COVID testing. Investors went crazy over this press release. When CEO Hayward released preliminary results of his COVID test to the FDA, they were alarmed. The numbers were not coming out right. APDN's COVID test was making lots of mistakes. The FDA quickly shut down APDN's COVID test. Recently, APDN announced its Monkeypox Test. Once again, investors went crazy over this press release. I strongly suspect APDN has never sold even one Monkeypox test. Now the latest debacle is that APDN's financial statements are wrong, and they could even be way off the mark. APDN's legal and accounting expenses for re-auditing its books could run into the millions of dollars. Believe me, this is going to get the attention of the SEC. But CEO Hayward is not worried. He'll still get his performance bonuses even though he doesn't meet the requirements. All together he'll be making around $1 million a year. Not bad for screwing up a company. It must be nice to ride on the APDN GRAVY TRAIN! Choo Choo Choo and he's laughing all the way to the bank.