Time to put permanent & proper perspective of CEO position..There will be no rewriting, reinterpretations or misrepresentations of the CEO position...
it must be re established and a permanent standard for expectations of this company..
Shareholder profits are the first priority and sole purpose of the Chief Executive Officer..
he has fiduciary DUTY to increase... OUR.... wealth.... PERIOD..
there will be no deviation or reinterpretations..
his performance will be measured by how much wealth he has, is and will accumulate for OUR interests..
so far there has been ZERO wealth accumulation for shareholders as far as I'm concerned..
and I would like to know how this will be remedied..
and I want to know NOW..
Moving forward this is the only standard I will be using to measure his performance..
if you all haven't noticed.. the rest of the market has always been judging this company by this standard..
time for the rest of you to catch up and get back to reality..
which is..
if you're not making us money.. then you need to be replaced..
That's the expectation and cannot be disputed..
all my personal opinion do your own due diligence