from bad to worseFrom Q3 report: " As a result of the ongoing efforts to optimize our portfolio, the business is entering a three-year growth capital investment period, particularly at Hod Maden and pler, and we expect adjustments to the production and cost profile over the upcoming three- to five-year period as compared to prior life of mine plans. While initial work to-date indicates that mine resequencing and optimization activities across the portfolio will drive 2024 production that is lower than 2023 levels at higher costs, annual gold production will grow as development projects at Hod Maden, Marigold and pler are completed". They were already forcasting lower production at higher cost. AISC was growing well over 1500usd. Hod Maden supposed to be the saver. Now is liability. My two cents : - during the coming days/weeks SP will go south of 4,5cad. The Bear market takes no prisoners