Very Good SignWhen the weak and tiny minded start thinking too much things start coming off the rails the panic barking is disjointed noise...but get some spark to it and we could be off for real? Of course not enough scratch in the sack to buy and SP won't be back again for them to even dream of 'their shot'?
The govenments both sides of the 49th will need have a healthy supply of legal bud in the system to allow for the clean up of those buying BM bud? A solid, proven legal 'high quality' bud production to shelf market system needs to be in place before the clean up of the foreign 'tainted' grass can be done and purged...leaving current high quality producers like Canopy et al shelving the latest product for the med side as well as the rec.
The med side is going to be much broader in menu and relief as R&D continues to improve product in areas, as need demands. As one ages and aches more it is very nice to have such plesant releif. Everyone needs to do their own DD and act accordingly, JMHO...Opt