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Artis Real Estate Investment Pref Shs Series E T.AX.PR.E

Alternate Symbol(s):  ARESF | T.AX.UN | T.AX.PR.I

Artis Real Estate Investment Trust is a diversified Canadian real estate investment trust with a portfolio of industrial, office and retail properties in Canada and the United States. The Company’s portfolio comprises more than 100 commercial properties. Its properties include Bower Centre; Maynard Technology Centre; McCall Lake Industrial; Pepco Building; Alex Building; 1093 Sherwin Road; 1681-1703 Dublin Avenue; Keewatin Distribution Centre; 360 Main & Shops of Winnipeg Square; Hamilton Building; Bell MTS Building II; Grande Prairie Power Centre; Northern Lights Shopping Centre I; 2190 McGillivray Boulevard; 1431 Church Avenue; Prudential Business Park 1; 951-977 Powell Avenue & 1326 Border Street, 100 Omands Creek Boulevard, Hudson's Bay Centre, and others.

TSX:AX.PR.E - Post by User

Post by ArtisWatch1on Mar 06, 2024 4:29pm
Post# 35919018

Artis Reit and this message board

Artis Reit and this message boardI've been watching Artis Reit for quite sometime, and follow a fair bit of information across all sources.
Including research into the sub markets in which Artis owns properties.

This message board though is really something else.

i'll summarize from watching it over the last little while.

this really could just summarize the entire discussion on here.

Gary(and i'm sure other names he goes by) - this guy has some problems. he's mentally unstable. his investing strategy is beyond poor, and the fact he cannot understand the headwinds of this industry/company or commercial real estate says it all. He's truly clueless and barrages this message board with non-sense drowning out some intelligent thoughts otherwise. 

Toronto Jay - i suspect he owns no artis. I think he just gets off on Macro economic mast**ation. he's like those economicsts that predict 13 out of the last 10 recessions. There is always some ominous economic disaster looming right around the corner.  I suspect he has GIC's at 5-6%, pays 30-50% tax rate, so he nets 3%, and inflation is 3%.  Propose a trade based on your macro economic forecast (and making 3% after tax with 3% inflation really isn't going to cut it) and lets put this econoimc theory to the test. But i don't rememeber paying the bills with economic theories...well at lesat no where i shop takes them.

Frankie/DZ/JMK - there is some good back and forth and meaningful ideas being discussed between them. i think it's valuable discussion points, and it looks like some decent analysis into AFFO/FFO and debt / buyback and other matters that are actually impactful and meaningful to Artis. 

the industry has some big headwinds. (gary can't seem to understand this). he also thinks you can just "sell" office. This guy has never worked in a capital market illiquid industry before and is absolutely clueless. 

will these problems get worked out over time? probably, if companies can last and not lose it to the creditors.

When? who knows, be prepared for a longer term strategy. 

Is office dead? everyone wants to pretend there is this quantum shift. I suspect there are a lot of people like Gary workign from home. F*king around and not working hard. WHEN (not if) there is a labour market reversal and the office bosses have the power, they'll start to make people work from the office again. Have you had a meeting on zoom, it's pathetic. the quality of communication is way less. People forget, young employees in whatever industry need training (articling students, etc). Good luck to those business trying to train and mentor staff at home. I just don't think it's as dead as everyone wants to believe. 

the NAV probably is $10-12 (where all the analysts put it). It'll take time to get there. 

Catalyst stocks should never be bought on margin or highly leveraged positions as the catalyst is uncertain and there might be bumps in the road getting there.

If it's related to artis and security analysis, lets hear it

if it's marco enonomic thoughts, save it for a University lecture hall. And Gary, we don't need a second by second report of how dire your situation is due to your bad choiecs. REITS are going up for a while (and may even cut dividends). you're an idiot, be quiet, you ruin this board for everyone. 

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