Observation on recent drilling at Albert Lake So I have discussed the recent drilling at Albert Lake with a retired geologist and he brought up something interesting. He said Fathom should definitely get that intersection from 295 meters to 348 meters or 53 meter intersection assayed for gold. It is common for these sulphidic iron formations to run decent gold values. He also said this sulphidic iron formation could have been the source of sulphur for the original Rottenstone deposit nearby.
Anyways we were just thinking outside the box trying to figure out this geological mystery at Albert Lake. Although they didn't intersect the very dense net textured sulphides contained within the Rottenstone ultramafic intrusion they could have stumbled upon something else. A bit of a long shot but it would be worth getting that intersection assayed for gold. The Homestake mine in South Dakota was one of the largest gold mines (35 to 40 million ounce deposit) back in the day and it was primarily a gold in iron formation. Just sayin