Analyst questions:KNT Conference Call Monday Before the Bell Just checked the website. KNT will report both the eps and have the conference
call Monday before the bell... normally conf call is next morning.
Some analyst questions I'd like to hear:
1.) KNT has not updated their website regarding Stage 3 and Stage 4 Cap Ex and
Sustining Cap Ex since January 1, 2023. Could KNT please review and update
the website for current status (what has been spent/ what remains to be spent?)
2.) Would you expect a resource update that includes the most recent very
positive drill results before 4 th Q 2024?
3.) Have there been any recent discussions with major or minor gold miners
on potential opportunities (acquirer or acquiree)? No, I don't expect this question
to be asked but the response would be interesting.
4.) Obviously, the biggest story of the last few months has been the underground
mining shutdown for the last 15 days of the 1st q and the 1st 15 days of the 2nd q.
While this call is in regards to 1st q results, could you provide ug mining status
since April 1 (my image was that they were out of above ground stock by April 1).
5.) KNTNF reached it's last high at 7.99 on 4/17/2024. Given the millions paid
out to management each year, has there been any discussion regarding tying
salary and stock options to the share price... ala the shareholder? Just kidding,
no analyst would ask such a direct question but I'd love it to be asked.