RE:Rumor - Atlantic Gold I recently heard that Atlantic Gold is planning to move OUT of Nova Scotia.
So much for the partnering idea!!! However...if they are planning on leaving, they have some great gold claims and an 5000t/d mill sitting at the Touquoi Deposit which is now mined out...they stated that they planned to move the mill to 15 Mile Stream and start mining there.
If they are moving out...who else but Signal would be interested in the mill??? Maybe they could buy it for a song like they sold the NFLD mill???
Like I said a rumor...Atlantic not happy with the government taking so long to make decisions...just me speculating...if it is true...would be interesting for Signal a mill cheap and move it to Goldboro...yes, they would need big bucks to make that happen, but an interesting possibility IF THE RUMOR IS TRUE.
Atlantic has complained publically for a year now about delays in getting permits in N.S.. They also announced the closing of a couple of their mines in N.S. last year. So, if the rumour is true, it is not totally surprising.
It doesn't look great for Signal if Atlantic spent a bunch of money on the properties next to Goldboro, and then decided to pull out.
SGNL needs to have expansion potential.
And then again, it could be a head fake. Where they really want the Goldboro project and say they are leaving so they can buy it at a cheaper price.
Or... it could just be an unfounded rumour. Time will tell.