Again your data , ideas are a little fuzzy.
You should let go of the weed man.
You're giving false infos on this board about the CIE.
First , here are the SG&A expenses for the last 4 quarters.
$1.9 million in Q2 2023
$2.6 million in Q3 2023
$2.3 million in Q4 2023
$4.5 million in Q1 2024.
Now the decrease of 3 million in the last quarter, 2024, is compared to the first quarter 2023.
In fact there was an increase in the last quarter compared to the previous 3 quarters.
You said : "but they did reduce SG&A reductions of $3 million quarterly, "primarily due to reductions in employee compansation."
First it is not quaterly.Second, the NR never states "primarily".
It says : The decrease is a result of a $0.4 million decrease in employee compensation, decreasing to $2.2 million (Q1, 2023 - $2.6 million.
As you once said "be more precise" and I would add FACTUAL.