Water Conservation News ReleasePlease correct me if I'm wrong but I find the latest news release to be questionable in its references to "water consumed" and "adjudicated water rights".
Water consumed is the actual volume of water the City utilized. (2023 1,710AF)
Adjudicated water rights equates to to 66% of actual pumpable water.
"Regarding the supply side, the total city supply is 2,480 Acre-feet of adjudicated basin water rights comprised of 1,974 Acre Feet of 100% city owned deeded adjudicated basin water rights at the end of the year, plus an additional 506 Acre Feet of adjudicated deeded basin water rights in the form of leases for a total annual supply of 2,480 Acre Feet."
"The city's difference between supply and consumption is a surplus of 770 Acre Feet per year of adjudicated basin rights."
Adjudicated water rights was 2,480AF which is actually 1,637AF of usable water or a deficit of 73 AF and not a surplus of 770AF.
There is also a certain amount of AF that needs to be recharged into the basin for the City to maintain their (5) year safety net for dry years where SWP water may not be available.
There are a lot of inputs that need to be incorporated besides just "water consumed" and "water rights" from my viewpoint.