NCIB - @18/share average, that is $1.45 per share - 89M cash and 10% price increase (rough maf)
the management did give warning this was on the way, and the new factories will be on line filling orders and ramping up in Q3/4.
potential plans to also reinitiate dividend at the end of 2025? if i remember correctly - assuming $*IT doesn't hit the fan. ( all you here know what I mean )
would expediting the dividend be better for share price vs NCIB? was 60 cents over 4 years ago I would really like to see one, but I guess it would be prudent to wait and see what the near future brings…
perhaps another NCIB/divi announcement 1 year from now
I was a little leery about Reeves when he was first appointed and his course correction for the company - especially due to the price of oil that was a major factor for the success/failure in the past - but I have come to appreciate his lead.