ZEUS's Strategic Exploration Plans Near a Major Copper Find Zeus North America Mining Corp. (Ticker: ZEUS.c, ZUUZF for U.S. investors) owns the Cuddy Mountain project, strategically situated next to Hercules Silver Corp.’s significant copper discovery in Idaho. This area has emerged as the state's newest copper district, prompting a flurry of staking activity.
The discovery yielded 185 meters of 0.84% copper, 111 ppm molybdenum, and 2.6 g/t silver, with a high-grade interval of 45 meters at 1.95% copper, which spurred a staking rush, attracting major players such as Barrick Gold and Rio Tinto.
Cuddy Mountain shares notable geological traits with the Hercules Property, including the presence of Olds Ferry terrane rocks, historical silver deposits, and a location along the Bayhorse Thrust Fault.
ZEUS plans to conduct an extensive 3D-DCIP IP and Resistivity Survey on its project to identify large-scale chargeability anomalies akin to those at Hercules. Additional planned activities include soil sampling, mapping, prospecting, rock grab sampling, and high-resolution ground magnetics to identify key drill targets.
Moreover, Hercules is currently drilling at its project, the results from which could reflect positively on ZEUS.
With its advantageous location, ZEUS anticipates a promising year ahead, with exploration efforts potentially revealing substantial mineral resources, positioning ZEUS as a significant player in Idaho's copper district.
Further details on Zeus' exploration plans here: https://www.zeusminingcorp.com/_resources/news/nr_20240523.pdf
Posted on behalf of Zeus North America Mining Corp.